Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

guess whose house is this?

whose house is this????

the great house is belong to this family...

Yup, its Steven Gerard's house...

Steven Gerrard and his wife Alex Curran married on 16 June 2007, at the Cliveden House luxury hotel in Buckinghamshire. They have two daughters, Lilly-Ella (born 23 February 2004) and Lexie (born 9 May 2006) and live in Formby, Merseyside.

Alex Curran (born 23 September 1982 in Aintree, Liverpool) is an English model, fashion columnist for the Daily Mirror and the wife of Liverpool and England footballer Steven Gerrard.

OH don't get stunned yet, untill you see their daughter's room...

hmmm, lucky girl...

Senin, 04 Mei 2009

deep condolences for David Cook

David Cook 's older brother died after a long battle with brain cancer on Saturday, 2 May 2009, according to the former "American Idol" winner's official Web site.

Adam Cook, a lawyer, was 36. He had struggled with the disease for 11 years.

"Idol" fans may remember Adam from his emotional appearance last year on the reality competition, when he watched David perform Mariah Carey 's "Always Be My Baby" in the audience. David went on to win the contest during the show's seventh season, beating out competitor David Archuleta .

Before his brother's death, David Cook has canceled two shows on his headlining tour due to fammily matters in the begining of April. The shows on his "The Declaration Tour" being canceled were scheduled for Colby-Sawyer College in New London, New Hampshire, and at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut. However, fans at those respective venues may get a makeup date.

On Sunday morning, David made the announcement of his brother's death at the 12th Annual Race for Hope 5K run/walk in Washington, D.C., which benefited finding a cure for brain cancer. He served as the event's honorary chairman.

"I actually lost my brother yesterday, to a brain tumor," he told a stunned crowd in a video of the event.

We are sorry to hear that, David...

Here is the video when David announced his brother's death.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Spring 2009 Paris Haute-Couture Fashion

The world is in crisis, everywhere there are shops, supermarkets and factories closing down, but despite the world’s financial crisis a world of luxury and fantasy still fuels dreams. France is not immune to the financial crisis but Paris is still the capital of fashion and glamour, proof of that is the glamour of the haute couture spring collections for 2009. Maybe a bit more demure than in previous seasons; maybe less imposing but nonetheless glamorous, and easier to wear. Over fewer days than in previous years due to fewer catwalk presentations, the spring collection was mostly a battle of the major designers and Houses like Chanel, Dior, Jean Paul Gaultier and Givenchy. Many of the smaller houses could not afford to spend the amounts of money involved in a catwalk presentation.

Even for those who cannot afford the haute couture prizes Paris fashion is still a worldwide point of reference for what we will all be wearing in the Spring-Summer of 2009. We can all learn what the basics of the new season will be. So you can be one of the first ones to buy them when the prĂȘt a porter and the high street collections come out. And if you are good with your needles and scissors you might even find inspiration in here for your spring dresses.


The Chanel 2009 spring collection is simple and easy to wear. Mini dresses, light colours and leggings for a modern look.

Chanel Spring 2009 collection:


Galliano’s collection for Dior’s haute couture is glamorous and extremely feminine. The splashes of rich colour are luxurious. Even the shoes are full of colour and body.

The collection emphasises a woman’s shape, tight at the waist with full skirts to give an hour glass silhouette. According to John Galliano, the collection is inspired by Dutch painters like Vermeer from the 17th century, and by the romanticism of Dior’s 50’s collections. So we find an explosion of textures and colours against the more sober white and black used in the 50s.

Dior's Spring 2009 Collection

Jean Paul Gaultier

One of the most feminine and daring collections for spring was the Jean Paul Gaultier collection which showed emphasis on transparencies, décolletage and swimming suit-inspired evening gowns.

There were also a lot of bullfighting and corsets influence which enhance a tall thin silhouette. Gaultier’s collection is rich in materials like embroidery, lace, tulle, feathers, velvet and satin. A mixture of styles and materials like the torero-style trousers made in see-through material are a clear example of Gaultier’s genius.

Jean Paul Gaultier Spring Summer 2009


Mini dresses with tight skirts. Clear colours, asymmetries, pale yellows, veils, transparencies. A very elegant and easy to wear collection which shows off your curves.

Almost a monochromatic collection, Givenchy plays on textures. All the dresses were one colour but made from combining different materials.

Givenchy's collection:

More Info :

New Glamorous Fergie Shoe Collection

Fergie, Grammy award-winning artist and member of the Black Eyed Peas, has always been influenced by fashion and creativity, both on and off the stage. Over the years, her musical talents have made her a pop star, and her trendy, sexy style has made her an icon. She's graced the cover of multiple fashion magazines, topped best-dressed lists at some of the most exclusive events, and has now taken her passion for fashion one step further by designing a glamorous new footwear collection. Using her own life as inspiration, Fergie has created four collections within the brand: the funky, street-chic Remix collection, the casual and cool Kickin' Back collection, the trendy and sexy Paparazzi Ready collection, and the red carpet-worthy Glitterati collection. Click here to learn more.

Valentino Rossi juara di Jerez, Spanyol

Valentino Rossi akhirnya juarai seri ketiga MotoGP d circuit Jerez de la Frontera, Spanyol.

The Doctor memulai balapan dari posisi 4, di belakang Casey Stoner di urutan 3, Danni Pedrosa dan Jorge Lorenzo sang tuan rumah di posisi 2 dan 1. Begitu balapan dimulai, Danni Pedrosa langsung mengambil alih urutan pertama, dibuntuti oleh Casey Stoner, sementara Jorge Lorenzo berada di belakang Casey.

The Doctor menyguhkan balapan yang menarik, karena sejak awal pelan tapi pasti dirinya terus mendekat pembalap yang di depannya. Mulai dari Jorge Lorenzo yang berhasil dilaluinya dengan mudah di lap kedua, Vale langsung mendekati Casey yang menunggangi Ducati. Casey pun bisa di lewati setelah sempat susul menyusul sebelumnya di lap kelima dan keenam.

Akhirnya mulai dari lap 16 Vale terus menempel Danni Pedrosa, dan pada lap ke-17 Vale berhasil menyalip Danni di sebuah tikungan. Posisi tidak berubah sampai akhir pertandingan.

Sayang, Jorge Lorenzo yang menjuarai Motogp seri kedua di circuit Motegi Jepang, terpeleset di tiga lap terakhir. Jorge yang terseret ke gravel sempat melanjutkan balapan, namun motornya tampak mengalami kerusakan hingga ia tidak bisa menyelesaikan balapan. 

Hasil MotoGP Spanyol:
1. Valentino Rossi Yamaha 45 menit 18,557 detik
2. Dani Pedrosa Honda + 2,700
3. Casey Stoner Ducati + 10,507
4. Randy de Puniet LCR Honda + 31,893
5. Marco Melandri Hayate Kawasaki + 33,128
6. Colin Edwards Tech 3 Yamaha + 34,128
7. Loris Capirossi Suzuki + 34,421
8. Andrea Dovizioso Honda + 34,625
9. Toni Elias Gresini Honda + 42,689
10. Chris Vermeulen Suzuki + 45,183
11. Sete Gibernau Hernando Ducati + 48,192
12. Yuki Takahashi Scot Honda + 51,875
13. James Toseland Tech 3 Yamaha + 53,683
14. Alex de Angelis Gresini Honda + 53,941
15. Nicky Hayden Ducati +1m01,237
16. Niccolo Canepa Pramac Ducati +1m10,896

Tidak finish:
Jorge Lorenzo Yamaha 23 lap
Mika Kallio Pramac Ducati 12 lap


Mata itu merupakan organ kita yang amat kecil dan punya peran yang sangat vital. Gimana nggak, dimata berkumpul begitu banyak syaraf. Fungsi dasar itu sendiri ada 3 yaitu :
1. Kemampuan menerima sensasi cahaya
2. Kemampuan membedakan bentuk
3. Kemampuan membedakan warna

Manfaat air mata
Semua orang pasti pernah menangis ? baik cewe ataupun cowo. Kalau ngerasain sedih atau malah senang. Air mata bisa mengucur dengan sendirinya. Sebenarnya apa sih fungsi air mata itu? Sebenarnya air mata itu punya fungsi yang sangat penting yaitu sebagai pelindung untuk mencegah infeksi yang bisa menyerang mata kita sewaktu-waktu.
Didalam air mata kita terdapat bahan tertentu yang bisa menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, yaitu gamaglobin dan lysozym. Nah, bahan-bahan inilah yang bekerja melawan segala bentuk infeksi yang menyerang mata kita 

Selain itu air mata juga berfungsi membasahi permukaan mata sehingga ngga pernah kering. Maka itu mata akan tetap bersih dan terbebas dari kotoran. Masih ada lagi peran air mata, yaitu sebagai sumber energy, lho kok bisa? Yup karena air mata mengandung glukosa yang berguna banget sebagai sumber energy sel. Maka itu keberadaannya bisa menjaga kelangsungan hidup sel-sel mata.

1. Pupil mata bisa disamakan dengan diagfragma kamera yang menyesuaikan kebutuhan ketajaman melihat pada jarak tertentu. Maka bila kita melihat jarak dekat, pupil mata akan mengecil agar lebih focus dan pandangan menjadi lebih tajam.
2. Pada saat kita membaca buku, pupil kita bergerak 1-5 kali per menit. Tapi pada saat kita menggunakan computer pupil kita bergerak 75.000-150.000 kali per menit. Maka itu mata kita cepat lelah saat menggunakan computer.
3. Ternyata air mata itu mengandung elektrolit penting seperti kalium,natrium, klor. Pantesan aja rasanya asin.


Karena fungsinya yang begitu besar, udah saatnya kita lebih peduli dengan masalah-masalah yang sering mengganggu mata seperti


Mata kering terjadi dalam suatu kondisi dimana produksi air mata tersebut yang berkurang atau kualitasnya air mata tersebut berkurang. Bisa terjadi juga dengan factor usia tapi factor lingkungan juga bisa terjadi seperti terkena pendingin ruangan ( AC ),sinar matahari,pemakaian obat tertentu,dan bisa juga karena menatap computer terlalu lama. Gejalanya yaitu mata terasa perih, gatal, nyeri, dan panas.

Untuk menghindarinya baca tips dari SUNBLOG :
1. Jangan kurangi frekuensi kedipan, terutama saat kamu menatap monitor computer atau layar TV lama-lama.
2. Kalau kamu harus berada diruangan ber AC dalam waktu yang lama, bawa tetes air mata yang dapat bersifat sebagai air mata.
3. Kalau berenang pakailah kacamata renang.
4. Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung antioksidan dan sayur mayur.
5. Hindari sorotan angin Hair Dryer ke mata, saat ngeringin rambut.

Yang ini merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering dikeluhkan para cewek-cewek karena bisa merusak penampilan.
Kenapa bisa muncul kantung mata? Ini beberapa penyebabnya :

• Kurang tidur

• Stress

• Kondisi mata yang berlemak

• System pembuangan cairan tubuh yang kurang lancer.

Ada beberapa cara untuk membantu mengurangi kantung mata, yaitu :

a) Kurangi makanan berlemak
b) Tidur cukup
c) Kompres mata dengan kantung the atau es batu
d) Melakkukan pemijatan mata.

Sekarang udah lebih aware kan sama kesehatan mata? Untuk keseluruhan, yang penting banget kamu lakkukan agar mata kamu tetap sehat dan indah :
i. Kalau mengerjakan sesuatu membutuhkan kerja mata yang cukup berat pastikan tersedia penerangan yang cukup.
ii. Seringlah berkedip agar mata selalu moisted.
iii. Jangan terlalu tegang dan banyak beristirahat.
iv. Yang suka nongkrong di dekat computer, atur jarak layar dengan mata,minimal 55 cm.
v. Konsumsi vitamin A dan C atau makanan yang mengandung vitamin tersebut.
vi. Pakai kaca mata pelindung.
vii. Tidur yang cukup setiap malam, min.8 jam

~ Buat kamu yang bermata besar pakailah eyeliner diatas bulu mata atau ada didalam garis mata.
~ Buat kamu yang bermata sipit dan pengen punya lipatan kelopak tapi males pakai scots, coba dech pakai eyeshadow warna gelap dan bentuk setengah lingkaran, kemudian pertegas lagi penggirannya dengan warna yang lebih muda. Jadi dech lipetan matamu.
~ Buat yang bermata cekung, gunakan eyeshadow warna terang untuk lebih menonjolkan mata keluar.
~ Untuk yang bermata cembung, kebalikannya dari mata cekung, pakailah eyeshadow berwarna gelap supaya kesan mata lebih ke dalam.
~ Untuk bermata turun, ada triknya juga yaitu pakai eyeliner yang diujung luar matanya diberi tarikan ke atas atau sisipkan eyeshadow berwarna gelap pada ujung mata. 

Ingin Punya Kulit Muka Lebih Cerah?

Kalau ingin memiliki kulit muka lebih cerah, minum jus strawbery murni dari 7 butir buah berwarna merah ini. Kandungan vitamin C-nya sangat tinggi, melebihi buah jeruk lho...

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